Xiang Li (李想)

I am now a Ph.D candidate in Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS) at Tsinghua University. I am very fortunate to have Prof. Mingyu Gao as my advisor. Before joining Tsinghua, I obtained a bachelor’s degree from School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University in 2020. My research interests mainly lie in confidential computing and system security, especially, the trusted execution environment (TEE), including its applications, constructions, side channels, formal models, and combination with cryptography. Here is my CV/简历.


  • BULKOR: Enabling Bulk Loading for Path ORAM
    Xiang Li, Yunqian Luo, and Mingyu Gao
    S&P 2024 PDF/Code
  • Secure MLaaS with Temper: Trusted and Efficient Model Partitioning and Enclave Reuse
    Fabing Li, Xiang Li, and Mingyu Gao
    ACSAC 2023 PDF/Code
  • SODA: A Set of Fast Oblivious Algorithms in Distributed Secure Data Analytics
    Xiang Li, Nuozhou Sun, Yunqian Luo, and Mingyu Gao
    VLDB 2023 PDF/Code
  • Flare: A Fast, Secure, and Memory-Efficient Distributed Analytics Framework
    Xiang Li, Fabing Li, and Mingyu Gao
    VLDB 2023 PDF/Code
  • DHS: Adaptive Memory Layout Organization of Sketch Slots for Fast and Accurate Data Stream Processing
    Bohan Zhao, Xiang Li, Boyu Tian, Zhiyu Mei, Wenfei Wu
    KDD 2021 PDF



  • Alibaba Cloud
    Research intern in Database and Storage Lab. Mentor: Dr. Sheng Wang. Jul. 2024 - Present.
  • Huawei
    Research intern in System Security Technology Lab. Mentor: Dr. Peng Xu. Oct 2023 - Apr. 2024.
  • Ant Group
    Research intern in Security and Trust Division (S&T). Mentor: Dr. Hongliang Tian. Sep 2022 - Oct 2023.


  • Teaching Assistant 20470084 Computer Architecture - Fall 2022.
  • Teaching Assistant 80470262 Computer Systems and Architectures - Fall 2021.

Honors and Awards

  • Comprehensive Excellence Scholarship of Tsinghua University (清华大学综合优秀奖学金), 2023.
  • Comprehensive Excellence Scholarship of IIIS (交叉信息院综合优秀奖学金), 2022, 2023.
  • Excellent Social Practice Award of Tsinghua University (清华大学社会实践奖学金), 2022.
  • Cyrus Tang Scholarship (唐仲英德育奖学金), 2016-2020.
  • The Most Influential Undergraduate Students of Southeast University (东南大学最具影响力本科生, 10 out of all graduates), 2020.
  • Sun Qingyun Innovation Scholarship (孙庆云创新奖学金), 2019.
  • National Encouragement scholarship (国家励志奖学金), 2019.
  • Merit Student (三好学生), 2019.
  • National Scholarship (国家奖学金), 2018.
  • Pacemaker to Merit Student (三好学生标兵), 2018.
  • The First Prize Scholarship of CDEL (正保教育一等奖学金), 2018.